Properties of NSCs in UDGs

Survey Observation

"Properties of Nuclear Star Clusters in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies"

Using the Systematically Measuring Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies and Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalogs and our own reprocessing of the Legacy Survey imaging, we investigate the properties of nuclear star clusters (NSCs) in galaxies having central surface brightnesses as low as 27 mag arcsec‑2. We find that galaxies with low central surface brightness are more likely to contain an NSC if they (1) have a higher stellar mass, (2) have a higher stellar-to-total mass ratio, (3) have a brighter central surface brightness, (4) have a larger axis ratio, or (5) lie in a denser environment.

Image copyright: DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys

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Star-gas misalignment 2

Numerical Simulation

"Star-Gas Misalignment in Galaxies: II. Origins Found from the Horizon-AGN Simulation"

There have been many studies aiming to reveal the origins of the star-gas misalignment found in galaxies, but there still is a lack of understanding of the contribution from each formation channel candidate. We aim to answer the question by investigating the misaligned galaxies in Horizon-AGN, a cosmological large-volume simulation of galaxy formation. We have identified four main formation channels of misalignment and quantified their level of contribution: mergers (35%), interaction with nearby galaxies (23%), interaction with dense environments or their central galaxies (21%), and secular evolution including smooth accretion from neighboring filaments (21%). We found in the simulation that the gas, rather than stars, is typically more vulnerable to dynamical disturbances; hence, misalignment formation is mainly due to the change in the rotational axis of the gas rather than stars, regardless of the origin. We have also inspected the lifetime (duration) of the misalignment. The decay timescale of the misalignment shows a strong anti-correlation with the kinematic morphology V/sigma and the cold gas fraction of the galaxy. The misalignment has a longer lifetime in denser regions, which is linked with the environmental impact on the host galaxy. There is a substantial difference in the length of the misalignment lifetime depending on the origin, and it can be explained by the magnitude of the initial position angle offset and the physical properties of the galaxies.

Image copyright: Christophe Pichon

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Star-gas misalignment 1

Numerical Simulation

"Star–Gas Misalignment in Galaxies. I. The Properties of Galaxies from the Horizon-AGN Simulation and Comparisons to SAMI."

Recent integral field spectroscopy observations have found that about 11% of galaxies show star-gas misalignment. The misalignment possibly results from external effects such as gas accretion, interaction with other objects, and other environmental effects, hence providing clues to these effects. We explore the properties of misaligned galaxies using Horizon-AGN, a large-volume cosmological simulation, and compare the result with the result of the Sydney-AAO Multi-object integral field spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey. Horizon-AGN can match the overall misalignment fraction and reproduces the distribution of misalignment angles found by observations surprisingly closely. The misalignment fraction is found to be highly correlated with galaxy morphology both in observations and in the simulation: early-type galaxies are substantially more frequently misaligned than late-type galaxies. The gas fraction is another important factor associated with misalignment in the sense that misalignment increases with decreasing gas fraction. However, there is a significant discrepancy between the SAMI and Horizon-AGN data in the misalignment fraction for the galaxies in dense (cluster) environments.

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MAGPI Project

Integral Field Spectroscopy

"The MAGPI Survey - science goals, design, observing strategy and early results"

We present an overview of the Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral Field Spectroscopy (MAGPI) survey, a Large Program on the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. MAGPI is designed to study the physical drivers of galaxy transformation at a lookback time of 3-4 Gyr, during which the dynamical, morphological, and chemical properties of galaxies are predicted to evolve significantly.

Image copyright: MAGPI, Foster et al. 2020

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Finding Jellyfish galaxies based on CNN

Deep learning

"Finding jellyfish galaxies in the Horizon-AGN simulation based on the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) deep-learning technique"

Collaborators: Kim HyeongHan, Hoseung Choi, Sangho Choi, Dasol Yoo, Sukyoung Yi

Image copyright: NASA

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Variable Stars

Time-series Observation

"Variable Stars in the regions of BX-Dra, M34 and NGC 6871"

Performed a multiple-frequency analysis and found new variable stars with a time-series BV CCD photometry. We used 155mm optical telescope at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO). We found 5 new variable stars in the region of BX-Dra, 25 variable stars in M34, and 54 variable stars in NGC 6871.